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This anthology of Trash Wonderland features 30+ artists exploring what is said, unsaid, what we wish we could say, and what we will never say. A diverse collection of poetry, photography, fiction, collages, words, visual art, and more, this collection is a labor of absolute love and rage.
$10, free shipping, within the U.S. Please inquire about shipping rates outside of the U.S.
To Order, You Can
Send an email to kitlascher@gmail.com. I accept Venmo and Paypal.
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Unconventionally Materialized
Relatable and one-of-a-kind
What are these strange treasures?
These are zines. I specialize in creating containers for words and art out of reused and unexpected materials.
Some of my zines are more traditional in form (folded/sewn/stapled) paper but I don’t hold punches with my writing.
You can find one that you like or if you want to be surprised just shoot me an email and you get what you get!
Select a zine
Contact me with your selection.
Send your payment (I take Venmo and Paypal) and I’ll ship it out to you! I request $5 base price for shipping and materials.* The rest is pay-what-you-will. Any additional amount you wish to send to me is appreciated! d next to the item is for shipping and materials. I charge a base $5.
* price for U.S. shipping. If you live outside of the U.S., go ahead and contact me and I’ll give you a shipping quote!
How to Purchase:
Or Order Directly!
Pill Bottle Poems
Pill Bottle Poems
Each pill bottle contains five poems inside it. Think of it as a series of messages in a bottle.
I am not buying pill bottles, these are all recycled from my monthly medications required for my chronic conditions. I sanitize the bottles with alcohol so there is no medical residue. I collage each bottle and therefore each zine is totally unique!
The container is related to the contents. These poems are not solely about mental illness but I do discuss unhealthy coping mechanisms. I wouldn't say any of it is graphic but if you have any questions, please ask. These poems are also about gayness, names, apocalypse, and puffer fish.
This zine contains poetry and visual art, all housed within a former container for makeup sponges.
Note: This specific container is available as of now. When it sells, I will be filling up another customized container with the same materials. Each zine is entirely unique.
A zine about makeup, glamour, and decay
I am fascinated by fashion history. What does our heraldry signify and what happens when you wear the clothes that break those rules?
Each makeup/accessory container is decked out for your unboxing pleasure. Inside you’ll find my writing, drawings, and maybe a few surprises.
Golden Retriever for size/scale.
You Get What You Get
This zine is a mystery! Comes in a customized container like the others but it’s a grab bag beyond that. Try your luck! Get some one-of-a-kind art that you won’t see coming!